About Me

My photo
Kathmandu, Nepal
At 24, she claims herself to be just an ordinary someone who is trying to find her place in this world, in search for her true calling. And along the way, as her life happens with people and situations coming and leaving, she pens down some of her thoughts & emotions here...

Friday, June 14, 2013

Why i chose to say goodbye ...

Leaving is never easy. Whether it's moving away from home, from a relationship or from a job, there are feelings and memories involved. And where such happens, it is always difficult for the human soul. Emotions filled me as i told my listeners a couple of hours ago that it was the last episode of my show, Stupid Cupid. 

It's been exactly a year now since i started this love show on Radio Kantipur. Never had i the slightest thought that it would come this far, and this good too. People loved my show! I had fans writing in to me every now and then about how much they enjoy listening to my voice, my style of presenting, my chosen topics, the songs i played and the show as a whole. I was fairly recognized despite doing only one show. Not trying to be boastful here, but who doesn't love getting all that attention? Especially from people I didn't even knew existed! ;)

But as they say that all good things must come to an end, my journey with Radio Kantipur ends here for real. And this time around, it was my own decision, not theirs.The only reason why i returned back the second time was my unquenched thirst for radio. I still wanted to do more. I was still driven by the amazing fact that i could enter the studio, put on the headphones, talk in front of the microphone and get connected with thousands of lives at once. I had dreams of going a long way and making it big in this self-chosen career.

Turns out, life doesn't always go the way we plan it to. I don't know what went wrong but I wasn't happy there. My interest and continuous requests to do a couple more shows went ignored all the time. I constantly felt left out from situations big and small. All these things mentioned (and unmentioned) slowly piled up and started demoralizing me more by the passing day. And i could never seem to find a reason behind all that injustice as i know that i am a good radio presenter. The only time i found myself happy was during that one hour on air while hosting my show. Off air, i badly wanted to get out of there.

An optimist, I gave it time and kept convincing myself that things will eventually get better soon. But nothing changed. And after months and months of battling it out between my heart and mind, i finally decided to get out and move on. I HAD to do it, although it was very tough to come to this unwanted conclusion as i loved my work as a presenter. I certainly had not foreseen this day. 

But the most difficult and heartbreaking part between all this decision-making phase was to not get the support of even a single person. Trust me, not even a single loved one with whom i had shared my affliction with, stood by me in this decision. My family, my close friends, my contemporaries, even my best friend and my boyfriend! Everyone had that same excuse, "But it's Radio Kantipur, one of the biggest media house. You should just cope with it and stay put."

Is a big name really everything? Is it that important to continue working in a place where you don't want to, just because it's a big organization? These questions screamed inside me. But I don't blame any one of them as i do understand they are saying that just for the betterment of my future career. But then, i also cannot deny the fact that i really was badly hurt. No one understood what i was going through, how this was easily affecting my mood almost everyday. No one saw how much guts it took to take this big step, without a single support. 

Lesson Learnt !

I have no idea if what i did was right or wrong, but one thing's for sure is that i won't ever regret this decision later in life. Cause only i know how i felt then and how true it was. All i did was trust my feelings and my instinct, which i don't think is a wrong thing to do.

As a budding teenager, i had dreamt of being a RJ, and i did it! I can proudly say that i lived one of my many dreams. And maybe this is God's way of telling me that it's now time i reach my hands out for the other things i have always wanted to try. As i finish this certain chapter of my storybook, i feel a rush of excitement to see what the next chapter has in store for me. I stand more stronger than ever, ready to spread my wings out for new things in life. :) 

To the entire team of Radio Kantipur, i apologize if i have unknowingly offended you in any way with my statements above. Please know it is clearly unintentional. Thank you so much for everything. For the recognition, skills, knowledge, oppurtunities, new bonds, fun times, life-long memories and what not!    I will forever be grateful for it all. :)

Waiting for my new Hello :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Blessed to be Loved :')

To being constantly betrayed over and over again, to feeling that fear of falling in love again, to taking that risk of giving away the heart once again, to slowly learning to trust someone again, and to finally waking up one morning and realizing how being truly loved, respected, and cared for actually feels like... 

I love you with all my heart and soul, baby. To find you right by my side every single day, through all my thick and thin, I feel genuinely blessed.
 I don't know what tomorrow might bring, but what I do know today is that I am happy and you are the sole reason behind it. :')

And what I also do know for sure is, you were clearly worth the risk. ;)

Beyond happy :)